Intensive Learning

SPROUT: Internships, Apprenticeships and Residential Programmes


The Sprout Programme is a people development programme with a focus on growing business skills and management skills . A company is only as good as her people, and it is good people that help a business to grow. We will make you, good.

Internships & Apprenticeships

The best way to learn, is to learn by doing. An on-the-job style 3 to 6 months internship and apprenticeship with other Micro-enterprises and Business Owners.

The Four Learning areas are:

  1. YOU: Personal Growth and Development
  2. ORGANISATIONAL: Experience working in a Professional setting within an Organisation with others people and in teams.
  3. CAREER/ FREELANCE/ BUSINESS SKILLS: Develop Marketable and Specialist skills that allow you to earn money by being a freelancer, land a job of your choice or to start your own business.
  4. SOCIAL/ENVIRONMENT: Involvement in actual projects and/or interact in a community to do some social good.

Residential Programmes

Intensive Residential or Day Programmes to nurture and develop you into a ready to go entrepreneur and businessman/woman!


  • Entrepreneurs in Residence Programme
  • Be an Entrepreneur For A Day
  • 3D2N programmes in Singapore or overseas
  • Intensive Learning and Collaboration Short Courses or Weekend Programme